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Wan-Ki LEE (Partner, Attorney at Law/New York State Bar)
¡¤ Education
Bachelor in College of Law, Korea University, Seoul (1981)
M.C.L. in Didkinson School of Law, the United States (1988)
L.L.M. in University of Pennnsy School of Law (1989)
Ph.D. candidate in University of Pennnsy School of Law (1993)

¡¤ Work Experience
Passed New York State Bar Exam, the US and earned a lawyer certificate (1991)
Worked for KIM & Chang, Korea (1993)
Worked for Hannam Law Firm, Korea (1999)
Worked for Kil Law Firm, Korea (2002
Young LEE (Certified Public Labor Attorney)
¡¤ Education
ME in Department of Metallurgy-System Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

¡¤ Work Experience
1984 -1999. 8
Worked for Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
-1984-1986 : Research Institute in Mechatronics
(specialized in welding)
-1987 : Department if Planning
(New project examination: steel casting, Injector)
-1998-1992 : Director of Production management,
Department of Steel Casting
-1993-1994 : Employing Manager, Department of Personnel Affairs,
¡¤ Head office
-1994-1998 : Director of Management, Central Research Institutee
-1999 : C/S Team, Geoje Shipyard (Shipowner managing)
-1999. 8 : Retired from Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
2001 Became a Certified Public Labor Attorney
(the 10th examination)
2002 Worked for Sojeong Labor Corporatin
Ki-Young LEE (Certified Appraiser)
¡¤ Education
Feb 1981 Graduated from Kwanak High School
Feb 1985 B.A. in Accounting, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul
Aug 2002 M.A. in Real Estate, Graduate School of Business
Administration, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul

¡¤ Certification
Dec 1996 Obtained appraiser¡¯s license
(the 7th qualification exam, Ministry of Construction
and Transportation)

¡¤ Work Experience
Jan 1992 - March 1994 Worked for KT Corporation
June 1998 - June 2000 Worked for Korea Appraisal Co., Ltd
June 2000 - Aug 2001 Worked for Karam Appraisal Co., Ltd
Sep 2001 - Aug 2002 Worked for Korea Appraisal Co., Ltd